Welcome to i-care online!
The device management system for smart and efficient monitoring, configuration and FOTA (Firmware over the air).
The service are available around the clock to check the status in real-time.
Everything for your complete security and peace of mind!
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Our Careium products are supported by i-care® online, our unique web based service which provides remote supervision, product management, firmware upgrades, programming and support.
This service is not intended as a substitute for existing alarm receiving solution (Services) and shall not be used as such.
Your use of the i-care® online, is provided ”as is” without warranties, including but not limited to warranties concerning accuracy, completeness or usefulness of content or information.
The use of i-care® online is at your sole risk. Careium will not be liable for any damages of any kind related to the use.
Please also read our privacy policy
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